Wednesday 28 September 2011

In the beginning....

Perhaps this title is a little grand for my first attempt at a simple blog. Please don't expect a sermon on the art of living, trust me, I have little wisdom to impart. My mission, quite simply, is to find the art (heart/fart) in our boring daily lives. For a frustrated artist (who preffers to be called a 'creative soul') that spends most of her life changing nappies, glued to a computer at work, rushing to/from the supermarket or watching crap tv at the end of the night, this is a little space to try and appreciate the creativity in all we do! Not just the pink fairy cakes we make with the kids or the christmas decorations we stitch ala Kirsty Allsopp, but the raspberries we get to blow with our children, the graffiti tagged on the side of our cars, the freindships we nurture, the busker in town that makes you smile for a minute or the amazing things one woman can do in a day. We are creating all the time and if we're not, someone next to us is. So, the ball is rolling, lets see if I actually manage to keep it in motion........ Enjoy!

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