Tuesday 20 December 2011

Very cross stitch!

Here's a small cross stitch piece I started last year after lots of painful hospital treatment. Never finished it but might do one day.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Loving Lady Lucy

Ah whats happened to my old friend Lady Lucy I wondered recently! Well seems she's busy in London being resident artist at the Southbank centre, check out her link...www.beingll.com

Saturday 12 November 2011

Tat haven

Great new retro emporium on the feeder rd, gotta be checked out! So many delicious things. I wanted to move in there n then.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Sweet music

So here's that busker I mentioned at the beginning. I walked by to start with but was compelled to go back, give him some coins and honour my word. His gypsy accordion was the perfect sound track to the dull November morning in Bristols dreary bearpit. The rollercoaster of life sailing on by in the background. Perfect! Thank you for making me smile this morning.

Saturday 29 October 2011

The Specials

Just watched the specials in coventry. It was amazing! Proper wicked gig. Loads of great characters too. Keep it real skankers ...

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Sunday 23 October 2011

Food food food

Ok. It's come to my attention that this blog is mostly full of food. Maybe that's reflective of where i'm at right now or maybe its because food is one of life's many daily creative outlets. I prepare at least 3 meals a day, often more thanks to 2 small kids and the rest of the family. Food is survival, the most basic human need but it can also be the most indulgent, exciting or healing experience. Since we have to do so much of it, we might as well make it fun!

Word to The Art Tart

Gotta love bristols own Art Tart. This piece at the tobacco factory made me smile

Sunday 16 October 2011

Apple art

In the garden pealing apples from our tree to make a big ol crumble. Was nice playing with the peel n making patterns in the sunshine.

Monday 10 October 2011

Lovely messy painting

Ah, so lovely to get the paints out with the kids n get really messy. Not sure who had more fun, them or me!

Mmmmm sushi

The best in the west, yen sushi in bath

Sunday 2 October 2011


Just been walking in the woods on a seriously hot October day. The perfect place to be in a heat wave with little uns. Damp n cool n really beautiful. Collected loads of cobnuts and chestnuts too, yum.

Thursday 29 September 2011


Made by the talented Stu Seth! Mmmmm......

The art of the home 1

Some form of creative energy goes into my beloved kitchen dresser. It makes me smile, it's overcrowded, mostly cheap tat but it's full of things I treasure.

Tree hugging

This is a personal favourite, the love that's gone into this! Thank you tree lover x

Wednesday 28 September 2011

In the beginning....

Perhaps this title is a little grand for my first attempt at a simple blog. Please don't expect a sermon on the art of living, trust me, I have little wisdom to impart. My mission, quite simply, is to find the art (heart/fart) in our boring daily lives. For a frustrated artist (who preffers to be called a 'creative soul') that spends most of her life changing nappies, glued to a computer at work, rushing to/from the supermarket or watching crap tv at the end of the night, this is a little space to try and appreciate the creativity in all we do! Not just the pink fairy cakes we make with the kids or the christmas decorations we stitch ala Kirsty Allsopp, but the raspberries we get to blow with our children, the graffiti tagged on the side of our cars, the freindships we nurture, the busker in town that makes you smile for a minute or the amazing things one woman can do in a day. We are creating all the time and if we're not, someone next to us is. So, the ball is rolling, lets see if I actually manage to keep it in motion........ Enjoy!